Tuesday, March 8, 2011


If you are not familiar with Edutopia you should definitely take a look. Edutopia was created by The George Lucas Educational Foundation in 1991. This website was made for teachers that teach anywhere between kindergarten and twelfth. When you get to the front page of the website you have many different directions you can go. At the top you have different tabs that direct you to browse by grade level, core strategies, videos, blogs, community, schools that work, and support Edutopia. While all these different tabs can lead you to many great ideas and resources, I want to highlight the blogs tab. When you scroll over the blogs tab, many different subject areas will be present. You will be able to find some kind of subject that interests you. Subjects range from charter schools, professional development and school reform to elementary, middle school, high school and technology education. If you have time I encourage you to read some of the blogs that interest you and just take some time to look over the website. I promise you that you will find something to use in your classroom or school.


Hi my name is Curt Kimm and I am currently student teaching in a kindergarten classroom. I plan on using this blog to share resources and ideas that I have for teachers. I hope this blog can be useful for other teachers and inspiring teachers. Feel free to use all the ideas that I share and please comment and let me know how they work out for you. I am still unsure how often I will update but I hope to update at least once a week. Thanks for reading my blog!